”Flash” gears up for STCC 2011 with skiing

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 15:12

With one month left until the first test of the year for Flash Engineering and Jan ”Flash” Nilsson, the double STCC champion is preparing him self with skiing in Sälen, Sweden.
”Skiing does for me what Jetski does for me in the summer. Full focus, preparation and my thoughts on something other than the team, sponsors, planning, budget and more. It is a pleasure to get out in the slopes,” said ”Flash”.

”Flash” has been practicing ice skates during the cold and snowy winter that has been over Sweden for the past few months.
”I must say that all the ice skates has done a terrific job for my leg muscles. I can push harder in the steep slopes and I feel in better form,” said ”Flash”.

With the spring around the corner, Flash Engineering is working and planning for the first test of the year that is going to take place at Knutstorp on the 4th of April. That is also going to mark the debut for Colin Turkington in the team.
”It is nice that the spring and the season finally is getting close. I am really looking forward to complete the first test of the year with Flash Engineering,” said Turkington.

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