Season kick off in Karlstad

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 21:50

Flash Engineering hosted a kick off for the employees of the team ahead of the coming season.
”We have gone over plans and routines ahead of the coming season,” said Team Principle Johan Kvick.

Flash Engineering is going to run six cars this year, two for STCC, three for Carrera Cup Scandinavia and one for GT3 Cup Challenge.
”With the size of our effort, it takes a lot of planning. But we are well ahead in our preparations and it feels good,” said Kvick.

The season is closing in quickly with 25 days left for the first race. Next up for the team is a shakedown in the middle of next week, followed by the first test of the year on the fourth of april.

The kick off was ended at a restaurant in Karlstad with dinner and bowling. It remains unclear who actually won the bowling.
”For my part there is nothing unclear, I had 159 points and no one came close to it,” said Jan ”Flash” Nilsson.

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