Rewarding first test day for Turkington and ”Flash”

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 18:25

Colin Turkington and Jan ”Flash” Nilsson completed their first test day of the year at Knutstorp ahead of the coming Scandinavian Touring Car Championship season. Turkington turned his first ever laps at the Swedish track.
”It is good to get back in the groove. I feel comfortable in the team and with the car,” said Turkington.

Turkington mainly performed long runs in his BMW 320si in order to get to know the track and was able to complete three race distances during the test day.
”We did some longer runs to get a feel for the circuit. The characteristics of Knutstorp is rather special, but I like it. I am going to have a hot bath tonight and see what we can improve tomorrow,” said Turkington.

”Flash” was not able to complete as many laps as Turkington today due to technical work on his car, but was nonetheless pleased.
”The car worked good and I am pleased with how it performs on the track. I think the setup is going to be really good with some more work tomorrow,” said ”Flash”.

The test day at Knutstorp continues tomorrow, followed by a test at Jyllandsringen in Denmark on wednesday.

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