Rewarding test day at Mantorp Park

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 16:23

The intense test work of Flash Engineering ahead of the STCC 2011 season continues. The team tested at Mantorp Park during the monday.
”At last we got a cracking test day with a lot of driving and rewarding setup work,” said Jan ”Flash” Nilsson.

Under a blazing sun and temperatures around 20 degrees, the conditions were perfect for Colin Turkington to learn the Mantorp track.
”Things have gone well today, we have driven both qualifying and race runs. Mantorp is similar to the big tracks in the UK, it is fast, wide and has got a nice character,” said Turkington.

Present at the test was the three Porsche Carrera Cup drivers of Flash Engineering: Prince Carl Philip, Roar Lindland and Matte Karlsson.
”This is my third test day and it feels better and better. The first race is just around the corner, the championship is tougher than ever and my goal is to claim top ten finishes this year. It is a tough goal, but something clear to aim at,” said Prince Carl Philip.

Flash Engineering continues the test programme on wednesday with the first official STCC test of the year at Knutstorp.

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