50 years old and still challenging the top

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 14:59

Jan ”Flash” Nilsson proved in the STCC 2011 premiere that the age of 50 is not a problem to challenge big stars such as James Thompson and Rickard Rydell.
”I am still very much motivated to race and I am pretty sure that I am going to be a strong contender in the championship this year,” said ”Flash”.

”Flash” finished sixth in the second race of the premiere weekend at Jyllandsringen after a race-long fight with former BTCC champions Thompson and Rydell.
”It was an okay premiere, keeping in mind the technical problems we had during the qualifying. It is of course nice to know that I have got the pace, I beat both Rydell and Thompson on fastest laptime,” said ”Flash”.

”Flash” has got a quick team mate this season in form of the 2009 BTCC champion Colin Turkington.
”Colin is fast and his engineer John Morton is very skilled. They are contributing to raise the level of professionalism in the team, at the same time as they learn a lot from working with us. We have without a doubt a strong package for this season,” said ”Flash”.

With 15 seasons in the STCC, every last one since the start in 1996, and 29 years of racing, ”Flash” says that the secret behind his success is about having fun.
”The reason that I am still winning is because I race because it is fun. It is no matter if it is about setting a lap record at a gokart track or doing the final STCC race of the year. I am equally passionate about both things,” said ”Flash”.

Another key to the success is his ability to pass, according to ”Flash”. The double STCC champion had the highest number of overtaking maneuvers per race in the STCC last year.
”I am always comfortable when it comes to passing. People around me know that after a couple of tries, I get past with a vengeance. I might have lost out on that a couple of times, but overall it is beneficial for me,” said ”Flash”.

Other than the fact that ”Flash” is more than twice the age of some STCC drivers, his commitments in form of MD for Flash Engineering, Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia and the newly formed team group TTA takes a lot of time and focus.
”It does affect my driving in a negative way, that is no secret. But that is the way it is and it is not something that I am going to change,” said ”Flash”.

”Flash” has worked hard within Swedish racing since 1992 and the 50-year-old does not see the required efforts going down in 2011 or 2012, rather the opposite.
”This is the first season for 19 years that none of my main partners are main sponsors for STCC. There is going to be a lot of changes next year, but I am looking forward to that. As for the continuation of my driving alongside all of this, we will have to see,” said ”Flash”.

The double STCC champion is confident ahead of the future, both when it comes to the development of Swedish championships and new drivers.
”It has been hard to find new stars in Swedish motorsport. But upcoming talents such as Linus Ohlsson, Johan Kristoffersson and Oscar Palm can take over from drivers such as me, Rydell and Ekblom. They are continuing to impress and develop,” said ”Flash”.

The current focus for ”Flash” is aimed at the second STCC race of the year at Knutstorp in a little more than one week.
”When I think about Knutstorp, I think about all the victories, podium finishes and fans from there. My ambition is to be on the podium as soon as possible this year, within the first three races of the year,” said ”Flash”.

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