Flash Engineering tops morning warm up

Postat av Johan Meissner kl 09:50

Flash Engineering topped the morning warm up at Mantorp Park. Colin Turkington was second fastest.
”The car feels all right and I am looking forward to the race,” said Turkington.

Jan ”Flash” Nilsson was not far behind team mate Turkington with fourth fastest time.
”We have prepared our selves for the races of the day and I can promise that I am going to provide a good show,” said ”Flash”.

Due to the technical problems for ”Flash” in the qualifying of yesterday, the double STCC champion is going to start from the final row in the first race of the day.
”I made most overtaking maneuvers of all STCC drivers last year and I intend to defend that this year,” said ”Flash”.

The first race of the day starts at 13.05 CET.

Mantorp Park – Warm up – Dry track

1 Tommy Rustad Volvo C30 1:21.907
2 Colin Turkington BMW 320si +0.517
3 James Thompson Volvo C30 +0.518
4 Jan ”Flash” Nilsson BMW 320si +0.652
5 Tomas Engström Honda Accord +0.691

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